1.He has a tendency to undercook eggs.Was enjoying the tasty dish until I swallowed what felt like a whole lump of uncooked egg white.Please remind him to cook it properly.How come I didn't see it?You see the problem with this place is it is quite dark.If you peer into your dish you can't tell lard apart from noodles.So just shove it into your mouth and hope for a miracle.
2. Beware! outstation plates starting to come here oredy.Nowadays they are using gps to arrive so don't be surprised that some will abruptly stop at the corner and park right there.
3.His Ham is so small it looks like ham fart.A whole 2 tiny pieces of ham fart
4.You need to be specific with him as to what you would like more of everytime you order.On one occasion he omitted lard totally.On other he will leave out other essentials.Actually this is pretty frustrating sometimes you get no kucai.Also it sounds so ridiculous to be instructing a sifu on how to cook and what to not forget to put in.Maybe he does this to stinge on certain ingredients.So you really have to be thick skinned here and stand your ground or just accept your plate as it is.
5.Prawn may be big,but it is the cheaper type of prawn.The jellyish sweet kind of cheaper prawn