Friday, September 30, 2011

Kampung Sayang @ Sri Sayang Apartments,Batu Feringghi

  1. 88 all you can eat and order dishes
  2. Specially cooked up for you in Malay,Western,Chinese(oh no,there is even a feeble attempt at Eurasian) style
  3. all for the grand total of below $20
  4. churned out mainly by ONE chef,
  5. with $5 refundable parking fees.
  6. Recommended by and Helen Ong.

You tell me,who on earth starts up a restaurant to loose money?

And please(directed to the clueless 'kind' hearted souls who heard it via 'word of mouth'on facebook)please stop directing the Malay people into eating here with the misrepresentation that it is a Malay restaurant.
Bear in mind,this is pork free but not certified halal.
When they find out that the chefs are chinese and have to pay parking unless they eat in,they WILL be angry.

Hakka Tree @ Tesco Tg Pinang

Update :
Ooops...they hid the yong tau foo from being openly displayed in the glass panel counter now.
Therefore chances of you getting fooled are mighty high especially when they lure you with credit card partner tie ups offering attractive discounts

Aaahhh....Hakka food.

When Tesco first opened its doors,I did take a peep at the counter.
Noticed they had yam abacus beads.A dish that signifies prosperity.Good,very good.
Lei cha.Not bad,not bad indeed.
Then I let my eyes trail off to inspect the yong tau foo counter.No No No.

One can already see it came straight from the wet market.Not in the least handmade.
To fall for fishpaste this white and perfectly uniform is to put it plainly .....sheer stupid.They could have bought it at the Greenlane market at 5pm and just quick boiled it for dinner themselves.Or taken the time to deep fry it.

Why these people below complained so much when it was displayed in front of the shop,for all to see is beyond me.It's not as if they hid it behind the counter and pulled a fast one.Plus the menu is at all times placed right smack there for everyone to see.
However,the fact their prices are over the top is indeed cause for concern.

If and when I want to eat the closest rival to great yong tau foo,I head over to butterworth,and satiate my longing at a famous stall reknowned for other dishes except for yong tau foo.
Yes,I would travel far for a mere meal.If not,a weekend jaunt in Ipoh,or go all the way to Ampang New Village.
Those on the island are really plain,tasteless,bad,smell-less, weird,awfully unsatisfying and incomplete. In some other small villages away from the usual places and usual cities,there are hidden little gems which I am most certainly not gonna reveal.Only after YEARS of acquaintance will the new villagers trust you enough,to admit you to their perplexingly well hidden night makan spot,far away from town,right smack in the middle of a jungle.And boy do they make the Ampang version look mediocre.Heaven!

From the way things are going,looks like instead of counting abacus beads all the way to the bank,the boss of ...let's call it H.T., will have to see the bank counting theirs in front of him instead.

Happy reading.


Excerpts and Customers Feedback Pinched Off Facebook

Angie Lau :

better dont go, yong tau hu expensive, so so only...also the Lei Cha is very cha...not nice at all

Sharma Loh Guan Tian :

yes ...tried Lei Cha there a bit "x" so ...only

Carol Lim :

Don't waste time

Mavis Koay Yong :

It's just normal Yong tau foo. Cost a bomb RM 90 for just some stupid Yong Tau Foo!!! The food is not even HOT and fresh!!! Go food court can get those at below RM10! Stupid place!

Paul Looi :

wow! This owner must have offended many customers or he really needs to change his kitchen staffs.( sad)好看,不好吃!Chia Lat!

Priscilla Ju Ek Tan :

Super Expensive & super lousy food!!!!! Even my 4 yr old daughter also didn't wanna eat their food!!!!

Wendy KWT :

dont need to step in already know the food not really good and the price showed on the menu at the entrance ... rocket price!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Crime Prevention : Malaysian Style

I shamelessly lifted this off someone's facebook posting cos I find it highly relevant even though it may seem comical and bordering on paranoia at times.
It's sad when the Malay people cannot trust anyone anymore.Today they too watch their children like hawks and are extremely wary of strangers.
They attribute a majority of crimes committed to the Indonesians who employ black magic to gain entry into their homes.

Will post the entire Malay transcript up with a brief explanation in English after each tip.


Banyak kes pecah rumah dan ada ahli keluarga dibunuh atau dirogol oleh perompak.... Muhasabahkan diri kita. Adakah kita pernah mengabaikan tanggungjawab sebagai ketua dalam keluarga menentukan anak-anak dan isteri kita selamat ketika tidur waktu malam hari? Adakah kita pernah memagar rumah kita secara fisikal dan dipagari dengan pendinding ayat Al-Quran.

Rumah yang dipagar dengan keluli atau mangga solex, sekiranya perompak menggunakan ilmu sihir boleh membuka semua kunci. Kerana ilmu sihir itu kerja iblis dan syaitan. Terutama perompak dari Indonesia yang mahir menggunakan ilmu sihir memukau dan pembuka kunci. Hanya dengan menepok mangga ia terbuka tanpa kunci. Jadi mari kita pagar rumah kita dengan ayat suci Al-Quran dan baca tip pencegahan ini.

Tips menghalang kecurian.

(1) Jangan biarkan anak-anak tidur di ruang tamu seorang diri (Mereka mungkin menggunakan anak sebagai tebusan).

(2) Kunci atau sorokkan semua pisau-pisau yang terdapat di dapur sebelum tidur (Kesemua kes kecurian di dapati pisau hilang dan menurut polis mereka akan mencari pisau dahulu sebelum mencuri bertujuan untuk melindungi diri mereka).

(3) Sekiranya terdengar/terlihat paip air di luar rumah terbuka pada tengah malam (pukul 12:00 ke atas), jangan keluar rumah untuk menutup paip tersebut kerana ini adalah taktik terbaru mereka di mana mereka telah menunggu diluar pintu rumah untuk masuk (Kes terbaru berlaku di Dungun dan Petaling Jaya).

(4) Beritahu anak-anak sekiranya hendak ke tandas (jika tandas jauh) di waktu tengah malam, kejutkan ibubapa untuk bersama mereka.

(5) Jangan simpan barang-barang kemas di dalam almari baju (Cara lama ...)

(6) Bawa alarm kereta bersama semasa tidur, in case terjaga tengah malam, cuba on and off kan balik untuk menakutkan pencuri (Menandakan kita sentiasa alert).
(pity the neighbours)

(7) Tekan button merah alarm kereta anda jika anda suspect pencuri sudah masuk ke dalam rumah.

(8) Sekiranya terlihat orang-orang yang agak aneh dan asing di kawasan rumah anda, sila dapatkan plet no motor/kereta mereka (Selalunya naik motor dan mereka ni biasanya berdua, setiap kali kita lalu depan mereka, mereka akan menundukkan kepala).

(9) Pesan kepada jiran, sekiranya ada sesiapa yang datang ke rumah kita dan mengaku saudara kita bertujuan untuk mengambil barang-barang, jangan benarkan, beri nombor telefor pejabat anda kepada jiran supaya mereka boleh double check dengan kita.

(10) Semasa tidur, pastikan handphone anda berada di sisi atau pastikan juga Cordless Phone anda berada di sisi anda ataupun sambungkan satu extension dalam bilek tidur anda. Ini memudahkan anda membuat panggilan kecemasan sekiranya anda terasa kehadiran pencuri di dalam rumah anda.

(11) Adakan senarai nombor telefon kecemasan seperti polis kawasan anda, bomba kawasan anda, 999 atau sebagainya. Pastikan nombor-nombor ini disimpan dalam handphone anda. Kalau boleh, hafalkan nombor tersebut. Ini memudahkan anda membuat panggilan telefon.

(12) Kalau berkemampuan, pasangkan alat pengesan kecurian di rumah atau automatik alarm.

(13) Lampu porch & lampu belakang rumah sepatutnya terpasang secara automatik bila malam, baik semasa kita ada di rumah atau pergi bercuti.

(14) Kalau cuti lama, pesan jiran kutip surat-surat dalam peti surat. Peti surat yang penuh membantu pencuri menghidu ketiadaan tuan rumah.

(15) Kalau kawasan anda kerap berlaku kecurian, buat permohonan rasmi dari Balai Polis berdekatan supaya ada anggota polis buat rondaan yang kerap di kawasan anda.

(16) Kereta Proton adalah paling mudah dicuri. Kalau kereta anda brand new, sekurang-kurangnya anda perlu lock gear & steering sebelum tidur (Sebenarnya masih boleh dicuri, tetapi akan berjaya melambatkan pencuri).

(17) Kalau ada anak-anak perempuan, sebaik-baiknya pintu biliknya dikunci dari dalam (Sebab ada pencuri yg mengambil kesempatan seksual) dan anda perlu ada kunci pendua in case berlaku kebakaran.

(18) Sekurang-kurangnya simpan kayu hoki atau baseball di bawah katil anda buat mempertahankan diri dari pencuri yang ganas.
(19) Jangan letak kunci bawah pasu bunga/mail box/alang pintu/tepi tingkap bila keluar (Pencuri dah lama tau taktik ni...). Lebih selamat beri pada jiran yang kita kenal rapat.

(20) Kalau sewa rumah baru pastikan anda tukar padlock baru, mana tau bekas-bekas penyewa lama simpan kunci pendua.

(21) Kurangkan pendedahan dan pergaulan anda dengan pekerja asing.MINIMISE CONTACT WITH FOREIGN WORKERS

(22) Pastikan keadaan selamat sebelum buka pintu rumah (Tak kira siang atau malam, terutamanya balik lepas 11:00lam). LOOK AT YOUR SURROUNDINGS BEFORE YOU OPEN YOUR DOOR,DOESN'T MATTER IF IT IS NIGHT OR DAY

Robber aka Taxi Driver & Crimes @ Penang

Update :
The Star newspaper carried a report on the same taxi today.But funnily the reporter or stringer mentioned that the driver was ambushed by police for being a firearms runner who was waiting for a buyer to turn up.
Strange indeed.
Either the Malay tabloid reporter doesn't understand English or The Star reporter has a poor command of Malay as well as English,for this to happen.

Putting myself in their shoes
I presume if the Malay reporter heard wrong it,he probably misheard runner as robber.And cooked up a sensational story to go with it.
In The Star reporters case,if he is proven to have muddled up the report,I dare say,he didn't understand much English or had a poor command of Malay,thus in his haste he simply submitted the report to the blur norther editor who accepted it without qualms.
Epic fail!
Unless one is proven correct,please disregard the Harian Metro article below as well as todays The Star newspaper report, for the time being,as incompetently fabricated junk that's half fantasy,part truth stuffed with many helpings of unbelievable lies by reporters so hard of hearing.


This was not reported in the English newspapers but a in Malay tabloid.
By the time a report hits the newspapers,it would mean that many many crimes would have been committed already.
Not by him alone,there are bound to be others who have gone down a similar path.
Not surprising since there are too many for comfort bad apple taxi drivers in Penang,who also happen to be sex crazed maniacs behind the wheel.

Contrary to what that CM with a bad hairdo,may want Singaporeans to believe,I do know a number of  'chicken' mainlanders who won't travel out at night for fear of getting their cars hijacked.Ask them out and they'll tell you pointblank that they are scared cos they don't wanna risk getting waylaid and robbed. Malay people from the mainland,like to enquire if a certain area they are not familiar with has, cases of...of all things stolen car tyres

Just this year a local girl got kidnapped from a Jln Masjid Negeri petrol station toilet after a night out.She appeared hours later in a daze and unable to recall what had happened to her.The most horrifying part was that she was daringly dragged from the toilet and kidnapped in full view of many members of the public.

Ever heard reports of a kereta sapu (illegal taxi) operator raping his passengers before.How many victims he had before the monster was finally caught.

Let's not just talk about taxi drivers,the inner city is simply not safe anymore.

A poor washerwoman got bludgeoned to death for a few dollars she had in her pocket while walking home.This occured this year too.
Old people who used to sell newspapers on their own,now have more than one companion beside them.Nobody leaves their doors open anymore.
Even the shop that sells prayer paraphernalia opposite 1st avenue mall nows carries on their craft behind closed gates.In the past,their gates were left wide open.
The pork wholesalers behind Chowrasta market never open once daylight has past today,when they used to stay open till 11pm last time.

Past horrific cases include a 2009 murder at Prangin Mall and a 2010 paedophile kindergarten owner who was spotted entering the school premises even after he was brought to book.

I myself had the misfortune of being cornered in the taxi years ago,by a driver who was adamant I had to down two pills inside his taxi,as he sincerely wanted to 'improve'my complexion.It was probably an ulterior motive to rape.I practically had to yikkity yakkaty yak,talk my way out of it.Thank goodness,the journey ended with nothing untoward happening to me as he wasn't the agressive kind.

Our taxi drivers here are crooks.They wait like vultures and charge you a bomb.Their rates are the highest in the country.There are plenty of illegal taxis,even operating under the auspices of the airport limousine counter.Please,do me a favour,if you arrive here by flight,try to arrange for transport that is arranged by the hotel.
Yet they have to resort to crime for reasons best known to themselves.And rape just to satisfy their lust.
So to,the fella that shares the same hairdresser as his father,you have got to be joking.Lots of us prefer to stay at home and not travel out past midnight,after 10 in prai is a no no,cos the state is increasingly unsafe,didn't he know?

Read on after the first article,as I unearthed a first hand account of a violent incident on the Penang Bridge


Polis Pulau Pinang tahan pemandu teksi dan rakan yang aktif samun guna pistol

Harian Metro 30th september 2011

GEORGE TOWN: Polis Pulau Pinang menahan seorang pemandu teksi dan rakannya yang dipercayai aktif menyamun bersenjatakan pistol dalam operasi di Lebuhraya Tun Dr Lim Cheong Eu, di sini malam tadi.
Ketua Polis Pulau Pinang, Datuk Ayub Yaakob berkata, pihaknya turut merampas dua pucuk pistol jenis Browning dan Walther daripada kedua-dua lelaki terbabit dalam operasi 11.45 malam itu.
"Pemandu teksi berusia 38 tahun dan rakannya, 58, berada dalam teksi ketika ditahan dan hasil siasatan mendapati mereka sedang merancang untuk melakukan jenayah samun," katanya kepada media, di sini hari ini.

Beliau berkata polis menemui kedua-dua pucuk pistol terbabit yang cuba disembunyikan masing-masing di tepi pinggang dan belakang badan.

Katanya modus operandi mereka ialah dengan mengambil penumpang terutama pelancong asing, sebelum membawanya ke kawasan yang agak tersembunyi sebelum disamun. - Bernama


ROBBED BY MAT REMPIT! DAMN IT! Date : 10th Dec 2006

At approx 4.00, we started our journey to Pacific Mall, Perai to meet up
with 2 friends who were supposed to pick us up and head to Cameron

Towards the last 200m of Penang bridge, we saw a grey colour Satria in
front of us turned into the fast lane. We then realized there was a
helmet lying on the floor in the middle of the slow lane. We couldn�t
avoid the helmet and ran over it.
The helmet got stuck beneath the front part of the car.

It was around 4.30 am then. We had to continue driving as we couldn�t
stop on Penang Bridge. As soon as we exit from Penang Bridge, we decided
to stop by the roadside because the friction and noise caused by the
helmet was too great. As we slowed down, one motorcycle with 2 Malay guys
approached us. We stopped the car and my dad went down to check on the
helmet which got stuck under the car.

Out of a sudden, more than 20 over Malay guys, all on motorcycles
approached our car out of nowhere with very angry faces. They surrounded
the front and side perimeter of our car.

We thought they were after the helmet that we ran through and we
apologized to them. They shouted at us to get out of the car. Panicked,
we locked the car. One of the guys started hitting the driver seat
windscreen with his helmet and smashed the windscreen. They then unlocked
the car. One guy grabbed my handbag which I�ve placed near to the
gearbox. The other guys opened the right door behind the driver seat and
grabbed my sister�s bag pack. At that very same moment, they threw a
whole lot of an unidentified powder (which we later find out that it
might be sulfur) which caused us to lose our vision and suffocate.
Another guy opened the back door on the left and start grabbing my
friend�s waist pouch but to no avail. They gave up and sped away.

Later after the incident, my dad told us that as soon as he got out of
the car, he saw 2 guys approaching and shouted to him about the helmet.
When he is facing the guys, they shouted that they want bag. He is scared
for the safety of the girls; therefore, he held both his hands up to
indicate �slow down and I�ll give you�. That was when they started to
surround him until he has no space to move and snatched off his wallet
from his back pocket. My dad then made a turn to have a look at the girls
and at that instance; he was attacked with the powder which caused him to
lose his vision and breath.

We immediately called the police after the gang sped away. We also called
our friends who were nearby. Before the police arrived, a few of the
motorbikes actually turned back and waited under some trees after the
exit of the Penang Bridge, waiting for their next victim. One of them
came quite near to us and looked at us as if telling us �Poor fellas,
what can you do to us!�

It all happened in less than 2 minutes. In this incident, we lost
approximately RM 3500 including cash, hand phones, a digital camera, a
smashed windscreen, and a damaged interior of the car.

Worse, all four of us were traumatized by the incident. We could have
lost our lives.

While we were lodging police report at Balai Polis Perai, another girl
came to lodge a police report at the same police station. She too was
followed and robbed by a group of 20 over Malay guys on motorcycles, whom
the police suspected were committed by the same gang.

The policemen who have came to us and whom we met at the police station
seems to be aware of the so-called Mat Rempits and what they have been
doing, and they pitied us with what happened. One of them even commented
that �we were lucky that they did not sprayed chilly powder instead�.(
this is what they can do-empathy)

We also need to highlight that we arrived at the police station at
approximately 5.30am. The entire report process took us around 6 hours
which was also ridiculous.( where is the Barisan rep, where is the MCA
rep?, where is tw direc

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Empire Shopping Mall explosion @ Subang Jaya

Yes,we have another foodcourt linked explosion.No,not due to terrorism but what I call Slipshodcuttingcornerism.
Would like to bring you,the readers,back to December 2009 where the first foodcourt explosion happened in AEON Jusco Malacca.

Looking at the similarities,
both had a problem with gas piping leakage.
Both were foodcourts.

Imagine if it were lunchtime and this were to happen.
Which brings us to the damning question of how safe our shopping complexes are when it comes to dining there.Are enough regulations put in place to ensure everyone's safety?How come developers have to press contractors for low pricing when it comes to electrical cables,wiring and for goodness sakes,a gas piping system.

Here is the recipe for disaster.

  1. Take one bright spark caused by a Sekolah Teknik Ah Too Ah Kau drop out who can't do proper wiring nor installation.
  2. Add One stubborn slip shod Bangla or Indon worker who doesn't want to listen to instructions cos he has gotten an immunity shot against verbal diarrhea.
  3. Don't forget a cock eyed Supervisor who only has eyes for Lengluis and 4D numbers.
  4. Mix it together with One foul mouthed bullying contractor who is too lazy to check that his workers have done a proper job cos he simply can't wait to go caress the GRO's thighs tonight at the lounge.
  5. Last of all top the whole thing off with One Half Baked Potato Cut Corners So He Can Have More Mistresses developer for a mushroom cloud to envelope your town.


The Star December 14th 2009

MALACCA: The much anticipated grand opening of the largest AEON Jusco mall in the country here in Jalan Legenda in Bachang this Dec 17 is likely to be postponed following a fatal gas explosion that killed a 25-year-old supervisor while injuring 16 others on Monday.
The explosion was said to have happened at the food court section located on ground floor of the three-storey complex just before 1pm when workers and tenants were busy making final preparation for the opening.
The force of the blast blew a 2m hole in the building’s sidewall while showering glass and debris over a 25m radius before starting a small fire.
Firemen from the Kubu fire and rescue station, who arrived on the scene six minutes after receiving a distress call at 12.59pm, immediately put out a small fire and found two injured victims lying outside the building.
A search and rescue operation was mounted for other victims when it was learned that there were several others missing or trapped under the rubble.
Five victims were later pulled out alive from the rubble while another, Tiau See Peing, 25, a supervisor from Batu Pahat with Old Town White Coffee was found dead with a fatal neck wound cause by flying debris.
State Fire Departments operations deputy director R. Ezhumalai said the blast is believed to have been caused by a leak when workers were testing the gas meters from the centralised Liquid Petroleum Gas system.
“We believe that the explosion was due to a gas leak as victims mentioned the smell of gas shortly before the blast.
“Although there was a small fire, the injuries and damage were caused by the blast and flying debris,” he said when met at the scene here.
Initial investigations, he added, indicated the blast originated from a leak in the gas system near the food court next to the Food & Tea restaurant.
“We are still investigating to determine the exact location of the blast or what may have caused it,” he said, adding that several other victims were earlier rushed to the hospital for treatment.
At press time, seven victims were reported to have suffered serious injuries while three are said to be in critical condition at the Malacca Hospital. Six other victims received outpatient treatment.
Meanwhile, state human resources committee chairman Datuk Yaakub Md Amin said the Department of Occupational Safety and Health has been directed to investigate the blast.
Investigations will focus on whether the contractors had followed safety measures.
“Action will be taken against them if they had not done so, resulting in the explosion,” he said.
He added that it was fortunate that the blast happened before the opening of the shopping complex when there were fewer people around

Introducing Low Sai Ciplak Malaysian Cuisine to the World

How come we have to shove things that tourists obviously will hate down their throats?
I can tell you sure fire winners for dishes they love.
  1. Penang rojak without the sauce (yea depressing)
  2. Banana apom
  3. Coconut water
  4. And our raw fruits like jackfruit (they find this fascinating,its the name that is appealing)
  5. Satay ( actually this was already promoted worldwide by the indons )
And that's about it.The rest is TOO oily,for westerners,yea,they can't even stomach less oily Penang dishes.
As for the Japs,they've always loved chinese food and roti canai.
Those from China are problematic,cos their foods are so tasteless and ours are too overflavoured for their liking.Their cousins from Hongkong are much better in terms that they really appreciate Malaysian food and we truly underestimate them,since they like to brag to the whole world in regards to their experience haing tasted our cuisine first hand here.
The Arabs head to Mc Donalds and KFC cos they don't trust our mamaks.
The Indons avoid our cuisine,stick to their own kind even if they are ethnic chinese,would rather eat Mi Sedaap in the confines of their hotel room than get adventurous here.
So?Besides Singaporeans that will overorder and bulldoze their way like eating machines,that makes westerners guinea pigs right? Oh blimey.

Am featuring a letter to the editor of The Star with regards to our tourism minister's decision to promote rendang,briyani and char koay teow.
I couldn't agree more with the writer that by taking on nasi briyani,we might end up slighting India.And yes,I do too agree that honestly,tourists have tasted better elsewhere since we have more awful versions of this dish than needed.South Indians simply CANNOT cook this dish.
It's the same case scenario as trying to find authentic Roti Boom( a creation of some enterprising Malay roti canai makers) in Penang (you did know the best is in Ampang near the International School didn't you?).One is doomed to end up facing dissapointment.

Coming to CKT,do we intend to turn them off or what? But then again,if you have been to Camden market in London and the appalling sight of what I call fake" Malaysian noodles"as well as "Singapore noodles" are marketed side by side to unsuspecting Brits,I shrug my shoulders and say what the hell.
What the hell,if they can't take the oil,nor the lard.
No's gotta be Halal right?That means we will practically be marketing the Malay version of CKT.
Now look,that's perfectly fine,but honestly,I can tell you,doesn't matter if it is the chinese version or malay one, the Angmoh's hate our oils.Their stomachs simply cannot take it.The oil is present in the noodle.You cannot take the oil out of koay teow or it will stick to the wok and be destroyed.
Imagine the publicity a mass low sai case would do for the country.
Throw a stone in Georgetown and it will instantly land on another perplexed,nose upturned tourist wrestling with our dishes(murtabak,mee goreng,ckt,I've seen it all),every now and then lifting it up for closer inspection like it were a soiled diaper.

Finally rendang.Big problemo! Just which rendang version are they gonna settle on? Rendang Tok that keeps well but is terribly sweet and dry?
 Wiki this one and I can turn fortune teller.The Indons are NOT gonna be pleased that we are about to hijack them again.
Also since the Minangkabau version in my opinion ,made from BUFFALO meat,is best,thus bound to be compromised and substituted by other meats,it simply means that what we're marketing won't be authentic but considered ciplak(photocopy) won't it?

Read on..............


Easier to "sell " satay than rendang

I CAN understand why char koay teow has been chosen as one the three so called iconic dishes to be promoted by the Tourism Ministry (“Three on top of the food chain” – The Star, Sept 23). But why nasi briyani and rendang?
Someone told me the best briyani is in Hydrabad, India (hopefully the Indians in India won’t accuse us of stealing their dish). Don’t tell me there is not a single truly Malaysian Indian dish to choose from.
If I’m not mistaken the great roti canai was the creation of a local genius. But still, briyani is not too bad a choice compared with rendang.
Granted that rendang is fantastic and is the favourite of many, but one does not eat rendang by itself. The foreigner can order char koay teow or briyani, and immediately consume it. But with rendang, one would at least
need a lemang to go with it.
And for most Malays, even rendang with a plate of rice is not complete; you need a gulai, a vegetable, and maybe a sambal before you can start eating.
Imagine, if a foreigner ordered only rendang, what would the waiter/waitress do? Serve him/her just a plate of rendang?
Why not choose the very famous satay. It is already a “brand”. It is easier to sell a “brand” than a new product, especially if the new product needs something else to accompany


Friday, September 23, 2011

Sri Batik Nyonya Cafe & Yuan Izakaya @ New World Park

Was walking on the main road of Jalan Burma headed towards New World Park from the direction of Penang Plaza,when all of a sudden,from the corner of my eye,what I thought I saw,made me stop in my tracks,backtrack and take a good look again.
Two doors were left open,one on the ground floor and the other on the landing at a 45 degree angle above it.Curiousity got the better of me,and I decided to snoop around.
I found out that the ground floor belonged to Sri Batik while the top was Yuan Izakaya's.

Both kitchen's backdoors faces the back alley,between the coffeeshop and New World Park.The dark of the night,fully exposed its going ons.
Sri Batik won hands down for gross out shock factor.Yuan Izakaya trailed not far behind.The japanese restaurant was not THAT bad compared,not bad indeed as a prime hotspot for contracting some nasty bugs embedded in your sushi.

Over at the nyonya kitchen filthy,dirty,messy and wet conditions greeted this vigilante.
With ingredients strewn all over the perpetually flooded floor was ,was a lady doing some washing huddled in squat position.
This was terribly crammed quarters for a place that prided itself for displaying elaborate Nyonya inspired decor in the dining area.
Pretty much like buying a shiny designer bling bling apple and finding out that the core was rotting away.

Remember the newspaper advertisment that shows a 5 star diner with a third world street kitchen behind its closed doors ?
Well both of them are potential poster childs for their respective categories of food establishments.

Business wasn't that good the night I was lurking around,in fact there was not a single customer to be seen.
Staff could be found sitting on the outside benches across the entrance of the restaurant,with a fed up pall on their faces.
Didn't bother to trap up to Yuan,just couldn't stomach the farce one minute longer

Korea Palace @ Jln Tanjong Tokong

It used to be teeming with customers.Then Daorae opened up and all their regulars abandoned it.Today,Daorae too has a sparse following unlike the initial period.Korean food lovers shuttle between the two restaurants like a slow motion game of silent ping pong.

These are the things you might want to consider before you spend your hard earned money,or bringing your dahlink here and end up regretting it.

The facts about Korea Palace

  1. The owner is a Korean lady who likes to golf
  2. Thus she entrusts the running of the restaurant to a foreign staff base
  3. Which is kinda weird when you are trying a Korean experience while being served by foreigners
  4. The good thing about the staff is they are friendly.Much friendlier than locals,service with a smile!
  5. The lady has obviously been staying in Malaysia sometime already,so much so that she has improvised the menu
  6. So from costly fully imported Korean foods,you get a creative Malaysian ingredient substituted Korean menu.At this point it gets too annoying to explain.So in case you don't believe me,you are most welcome to go try this out yourself
  7. This is obviously what she would serve everyday at home to her kids on Malaysian soil,so you're actually paying a mid range price for essentially home cooked menu in a palatial shattered dream.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Mc Donalds @ Farlim Caltex Petrol Station

Pasting up a copy of a customer complaint on their facebook discussion page,with regards to flies infesting the restaurant.
Currently there is a big hoohaa over their Smurf collection with a lot of pissed off people wanting to boycott buying their toys since they have had the bad experience of being unable to complete quiet a number of their past collections from way back.
This"no stock" excuse,is not a new issue.It's just going to be another nail in the coffin for them.

Maybe that's why it can attract all the lalat cos the whole episode just stinks of fishy business

Extracted from Mc Donalds Malaysia facebook Discussion page

Flies Everywhere Inside Mc Donald Restaurant
Dear McDonald Msia, I had my lunch by dine in @McDonald Caltex Farlim (Penang) yesterday. I feel very uncomfortable where there are more than 5 flies stick on the sauce pump, salt packs and others. When I take the salt, the flies fly here there!!!

Then, when having my McD lunch on the table, I was seating with a groups of flies on the table and table divider which fly here and there! It is very disgusting.

The HYGIENE is the most important for a restaurant!

I took some photos on the flies. TQ.


Dear McDonald Msia, thank you for your fast response. I already wrote the feedback to the URL that you provided.

I hope that this will be my last disgusting experience with flies in McDonald.

If the same case happen at same place for my next visit, I think I have no choice but will make a complaint to Penang's enforcement department as Hygiene is a serious issue for any restaurant.

Thank you.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Toh Soon Cafe @ Campbell Street

Thanks to tons of reviews by various blogs,they're now doing such a roaring trade.
It used to be a nice tucked away alleyway,with cool winds navigating past evesdropping on taxi drivers,office workers and old timers as they reminisced about their childhood days spent nursing that hot cuppa from a pipping saucer.

THANKS TO ALL OF YOU,that is gone with the wind.Outsiders are a major irritant,when they trepass on our favourite makan stops.Now one is left to stand around looking like a fool waiting for a space.From a relaxing spot,it has turned a depressing fullstop.Yall have turned it into a used to have a slow and steady trickle of customers unlike the battlezone today.
We tend to turn the other way and head to other comfort zones just to avoid having to sit next to a table of dslr totting sluts accosted by their trigger happy pimps -_-

If you must know,not many of those blogs have told you about that ONE toasted bread on the menu that is a must eat which no one orders, except for locals in the know(people from Butterworth and especially Ipoh too will be in the dark with regards to this one).
You've all been recommended the wrong ordinary variety of toasts.And NO,I'm not talking about the wholemeal.They ciplak Oldtown on that one.
No,you're not getting it out from me either.My mouth remains shut,zipped,locked on this one.

Why bother putting this up?
It's not me but others that swear that this is nothing to shout about.
Well I suppose it's the same thing when I made my way all the way to THAT famous Terengganu kopitiam and ended up utterly dissapointed that I've tasted better elsewhere especially in Air Itam(again,don't ask where,I will not tell).

Apparently,throughout the Peninsula, the Hainanese have been long ago overtaken by another elite breed of coffeeshop owners spawning from the little town of Sitiawan known as the  BSO (Bicycle Shop Owner) race.The very people that churn out the Sitiawan sauce we so love to dip our dimsum into.
The Hainanese excell at coffee,the BSO's(I'm not sure if they're called Foochows but this is the term I learnt from my elders cos of the funny language they speak on top of their annual migration back to Sitiawan) do awesome teas and chams.

So if you were to bring guests from the mainland who swear by the " peninsular malaysia-infiltrated-by-sitiawan-kopitiams" version to Toh Soon,you'd better be informed that they will remain unimpressed.
Bring them to Toh Soon and these loyalists will huff,put their snout up and state that "this is nothing special"."What else have they got?"
Don't say I didn't warn you.

Anyway,this place serves standard breakfast kopitiam fare where half boiled eggs(did you know that we are the only country in the world that serves this?) are perfect.
The 4 unique things about this place is
  1. it's breakfast all day.That's what makes it special.
  2. somehow the coffee here is accentuated by the cool air along the corridor in which it is situated but if you like stronger more robust coffee,real kau kopi can only be found in the district of Air Itam.
  3. they have that secret toast which clueless outsiders never order which is GREAT (woohoo!)news for locals like me.As for the other toasts I know a fantabulous place with better kaya elsewhere
  4. they use charcoal 
  5. Last time it used to be nice and quiet.Today you can forget experiencing this.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Kopikat HK & Tamil movie gangster scene@ Island Glades Kopitiam

I will snoop around and keep you updated once (if at all I do manage to)get the juice on this one


Havoc At Coffee shop (The Star)21st sept 2011

A COFFEE shop operator and several of his customers were injured after a group of men attacked them in Island Glades in Penang.
The men, numbering at least seven, armed with iron rods, parang and sticks, rushed into the coffee shop and started damaging the tables, chairs and hawker stalls.
One of them also attacked the operator, 60, who was sitting at the cashier counter at about 10pm on Monday. He suffered multiple body injuries and was treated at the Penang Hospital before being transferred to a private hospital.
A customer, also in his 60s, was also slashed several times during the attack. He was not seriously injured.
Initial investigations showed that revenge could be the motive of the attack as a day earlier, two men believed to be friends of the attackers were beaten up inside the coffee shop following a misunderstanding
George Town OCPD Asst Comm Gan Kong Meng said police had identified two of the attackers, aged 18 and 19, but they were not home when a team went to their homes in Padang Tembak and Gelugor.
“Closed-circuit television camera (CCTV) footage showed at least seven people were involved in the attack. They were wearing helmets and jackets and came in four motorcycles.
“They fled the scene after the attack. We believe they could have stolen RM1,000 from the cashier drawer,” he said when contacted yesterday.
ACP Gan said a steel rod was recovered from the scene, adding that the case was being investigated for possession of weapons or missiles during a riot under Section 148 of the Penal Code

War of the two kuih stalls @ Pulau Tikus hawker street (night)

Actually there is no fight.I put the title as such cos sometimes I like to syok sendiri.

The first stall is helmed by an old man who is surrounded by his gaggle of old timer friends who seem to like to offer their opinion without being solicited for it,and the second a larger space,run by a man whom I think is in his forties.

Let's start with the first stall shall we?
The uncle used to get his supplies from some old ah chims staying in the vicinity.Last time it wasn't considered THAT wonderful compared to a lot of other stalls in Georgetown.
But today,this has become one of the only places left where one can still get handmade kuih that is not produced in a semi factory operating out of a pre war shoplot.
The downside to 2011 is the portion is getting ridiculous,he charges you like 70sen for a third of the normal size of what we used to get 3 years back.
Notwithstanding,he sells out rather quickly and then one is left to saunter down to the younger fella's place.

Which brings us to the second stall.
You make your pick from a motley of strange coloured,way too soft selection,asking yourself as you choose "Is This Nyonya Kuih?"
Perhaps this is evolution with the times,cos his kuih has managed to retain the taste,just not the look nor the feel.Don't ask me why cos I have no patience to make them myself even though I have been equipped with the know how from a young age.
Anyhow,his is definitely homemade.Homemade by a person who probably never knew what Nyonya kuih is supposed to taste,look and feel like.Chances are high that the chef is a foreigner who has been forced to churn it out from a mandarin cookbook thrust into his hands with no Myanmar/Nepal/Bangla/Indon translater present.
The good thing is,his cut is a N-O-R-M-A-L unlike the old man's P-A-T-H-E-T-I-C morsels.
Then once you finish picking,he will point to your loot from the older man's stall with a certain disturbed air about him and make an enquiry about his competitors pricing as if they were having a price war.
Ah, this explains why I put the title as such.Just that its a one sided fight.
If you ask him about his own pricing,he has no qualms telling you matter of fact that he charges 10sen more.
Me thinks maybe he is irritated that he has to wait longer when the uncle sells out faster.
Look a little harder and you find that he even has angkoo from the famous Eaton Kuih Centre.

If you've ever ventured to Eaton Kuih Centre at Jln Teh Ewe Lim,you'll be shocked to discover that it is actually a makeshift type of stall in a horribly gross out coffeeshop where hygiene is such a serious issue it's not even worthy of a review(for now that is,maybe later).
Go to Teh Ewe Lim once,and you'll never EVER want to step in again,no,not even for nice angkoo.

Rotiboy @ 1st Avenue Mall & Gurney Plaza

I'm so ashamed to learn that this franchise was started by a Penangite from BM.
That they even dare take this global is unbelievable!

It's awfully plain,cut throat expensive,not even filling,totally unsatisfying,offering absolutely no value for money in the least.

Expect produce that is akin to forking out an outlandish amount for inferior pasar malam (night market) quality products.
I suppose if one were to corner them,they'd simply justify the excessive profiteering with the high rental they pay for the lots situated within shopping complexes.

What irks me is the fact that we have always equated good,yummy bakeries to shopping centers.This debunks the myth.I hate the fact that they have the cheek to place themselves on the same pedestal as the outlets we have come to love when they are so downright hopeless.

One can take their buns,hook them onto the end of a catapult and kill a hungry pigeon instantly.
They're hard,not yummy,nor appetizing and obviously not made with high quality ingredients.

Their so called durian tarts are an absolute conjob with NO trace whatsoever of durian smell.In fact its a mass of  tasteless,almost butter-less flour with just one tiny fingernail worth of durian fibre jam lost in the lallang.
For this category of pastry,after the kids take one bite,their trap stays shut so tight,you'll have to finish the rest of the "tart-that-tastes-more-like-a-low-sugar-biscuit", on your own.

Boost Juice Bar @ Gurney Plaza

For just under $13 you get to experience what
  1. Jelak means
  2. At the same moment shivers start running down your spine
  3. Together with brain freeze
  4. That comes with a once in a lifetime experience of extreme desperation,to have to share your one straw with a minimum of 5 others unfortunate enough to be in your company,since you obviously cannot finish this enormous beverage on your own
  5. You are privileged to witness the revelation of  raw unadulterated,unfiltered taste of the ingredients,in a similar vein to what the chinese call a very "green" aftertaste.As though someone just mowed the lawn and sprinkled the shavings into your cup
  6. You are rest assured too,of a horrible eau de banana scent that lingers over almost every drink
  7. with a complimentary Betul-betul kurang-kurang-kurang manis topped off with a teramat kurang gula effect, that can beat any kiamsap kopitiam owner here
  8. All served up by the unsmiling,unfriendly,uninterested staff due to the fact that they lead an unsweetened life behind the counter
And then you wonder why
  1. ang mohs like bananas so much?
  2. are the aussies so lazy they'd willingly pay for a home made no skill required DIY style drink?
  3. how on earth a greenish aftertaste makes one feel healthy and not sickly?
  4. If it really is low fat,how come it feels so rich?
  5. how the %^& can this be No.1 in Australia ?
  6. what the hell everyone must think of you as you keep sticking your tongue out every now and then,Gene Simmons style
Better you stay at home and blend this yourself.

Chu Char @ Song River Cafe (night)

The apron wearing,order taker of this Chu Char,seems to be the brother from another mother of the many-things-wrong 11pm Ikan Bakar Diva on the other side of this rickety corner makan shop.

A real favourite amongst Japanese expatriates,his obedient subjects all know how to kowtow to his strange eccentric order system.
Song River Cafe has been off and on featured here,but I am now focusing on this fella cos he's getting a bit too over the top lately.
The food is nothing really wonderful,really,its normal ajinomoto laden,light,not so oily with a tendency to be served burnt when the chef gets excited.
Honestly I really have no inkling what attracts those Japs here except for the fact that he's way cheaper than Bali Hai down the road.

Food is OK,but the Tau K OTC.
Otak Tak Centre.

For the uninitiated,here are His Lordships ground rules before thou darest maketh thy order

  1. Do not make eye contact with him,he will come to your table to take your order.Or so he will have you believe.
  2. Do not stand next to the entrance of the kitchen area next to the fridge in your attempt to make your order.Sit down and he will come to you.
  3. After you finish your meal,DO NOT wave your hand at him to signal him to come to your table in order to settle your bill.Again,another round of waiting for him as if he were the oldest virgin bridegroom on his umpteenth unconsumated wedding night on the island.
  4. If he tells you to wait 45 minutes and you back out,not only will he remember you for life,he will also bitch about your impatience to the other diners once you are gone

Now should you break any of the above rules,thou will be sentenced to a minimum of half and hour or more of waiting like a fool just to place your order or pay the bill,all the while ignored like a badly behaved toddler by the nutcase who is an expert at looking extremely busy even when he's not.

The reward for your understanding?
His twinkling naughty eyes that comes to a near flirtatious wink as he jots down your order like a mischievous elf.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Chunky Loaded 10 Layer Pizza @ Pizza Hut,Sunrise Tower

First of all it isn't even 10 layers like in the advertisement.
Even if it is,it's NOT chunky.It's JUNKY.
And where's the bigger bite ? Oh yes,straight out of your wallet.

I tried to find ten layers,I think they failed at maths.Any number after 3 is wayyyyyyy too difficult for them to manage.
When I rolled up my sleeves,I did find ten.
I counted 10 tiny crumbs of minced beef on a supposed to be Large pizza &^%$# ,less than 10 small pieces of sausage slices,infested with insignificant amounts of everything else which they listed on their poster cos their oven disintegrated all of it upon contact with heat...... all topped off with the most sour species of tomatoes lovingly grown on a diet of toe curling vinegar fertiliser.

Loaded? yea sparse as the desert and loaded with rejected crap from the developed world.

This is the most bullshit hyped up blitz of a crap promotion,with the least ingredients on a pizza I have ever come across in my life.

All ten layers consist of
  1. broken promises
  2. vivid imagination
  3. utter confusion
  4. perplexing mush
  5. extensive flourplay
  6. motivated by greed
  7. ultimate hype
  8. pumped up with stale air
  9. outrageous bluffology and
  10. big fat lies
which they dare charge you a minimum of $50 for .

Throw it into the bin and watch the cockroaches flee.
After all they survived millions of years not to risk being killed by this single most lousy meal in the whole wide world.

Kafe 2828 (Beef Noodles) @ near Salvation Army Thriftshop Jln Perak

Absolutely top of the list as the most pain in the ass place you can ever choose to eat beef noodles on the island.

The taste is similar to the
  1. Weld Quay foodcourt near Allianz Bank(where the meat still retains a strange pinkish hue as if under cooked even after intensive boiling)
  2. the outlet next to the pedestrian bridge opposite the ferry terminal (original uncle with his second tiger wife)
  3. Island Plaza gangster foodcourt outlet (this couple is like totally blur and mixed up) since they are somehow related to each other.

Rumour has it,the outlets in Bagan Jermal and Air itam have closed down due to the untimely deaths of the individual operators.

The old uncle in Weld Quay at one time relocated to Setapak but quickly fled back here less than 6 months later for reasons best know to himself.

I hate coming here.Honestly its such a freaking,bloody waste of time.
Every table is filled because people are STILL waiting for their food.

You can grow your moustache here,play monopoly even paint your nails here.Still your food will not arrive.

And then there is subject of the lady behind the counter of the coffeeshop who must have been a pretty lass in her heydays.
She takes great delight in singling out good looking husbands or hot male dates, before she proceeds to shamelessly oogle or worse flirt with them as an invalid man (whom I presume to be her dahlink) looks on helplessly.
Awful!Definitely not worth the wait especially since you have those 3 other outlets to choose from

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Sin Nam Huat @ opp Tanjung Medical Centre

The rice is ala Goh Thew Chik at Chulia Street mixed with another Sin Nam Huat fellows stand alone shop nearby Sisters CKT/Loh Guan Lye
The roasted pork is ala Fatty Loh icky fatty style.Here they cut off the skin like a prime cut in a chinese restaurant,plus you have to request(read extra) for it.
The chai boey is also Fatty Loh style
The roast chicken SUCKS is limp like any foodcourt
The roast duck is actually not bad like New Lane's younger couple's stall
The drinks menu is terribly limited

Its confusing cos they give you all the flavours from all the different old establishments in your one order.

Its like I tapau from many different shops and decided to sit down and lunch in a kinky shop with mirrors.
I thought of returning but they have customers here who are agressive part time drift parkers aka nurses in uniform out for a quick bite,whom I really wouldn't want nursing me back to health after a carnage smash up in the mad scuffle for the limited parking spaces available here.

Miss Universe 2011.My two cents

Lots have been wondering why Deborah Henry didn't win.

Now,in my eyes,the main problem is this.
Apparently the only girls fit in our eyes to represent the country have to fulfill the following unspoken rule criterias
1. Have excellent command of the English language
2. Preferably have half Mat Salleh mixed blood,Seranis will rank highly
3. Possess fair skin
4. Can get along with their gang of girls

Therefore all those with great enthuasiasm,raw skills and heart,those that truly represent the spirit of Malaysia and all of its Malaysianness,would be excluded,only to be replaced by boring candidates of Miss Henry's calibre.All because the organisers cannot see past ethnic slangs.

Seen her hosting Bella on Ntv7?
You'll know what I mean.Yawnnnnnnnn
Gosh come to think of it,all the hosts on that show are so exceptionally full of themselves.It's like evesdropping on their daily Datinismship crusade.Zzzzzzzz
Occasionally we get to see 2 former beauty queens who look increasingly more and more like MEN.Sure you know who I'm talking about right?

Miss Henry's too guarded,too obedient schoolgirl pageant type,always thinking of her best angles to show off to the camera that we can even spot her thinking just by looking at her eyes.Imagine that.

In short just a decorative piece of kayu....embedded with a brain that's constantly on THINK mode.
Wait a second....isn't that what makes a Bimbo?
Yeah now I get it.That's it.That's what's wrong.
A thinking bimbo always comes off worse than a Bimbo with nothing clouding her brains.Now don't get me wrong.She knows her stuff,but its the way she carries it off that makes her so downright uninteresting to watch.
You feel compelled to fondle some needles or sharp objects.

Miss Universe and Miss World have been under the same family like forever.
This year,the formerly baby fat girl who managed to slim down,dared put her last dollar down on Deborah.
Well baby,you may have won over the Lion city with your weight loss,but it really boils down to lost your wager.
So don't go blaming it on Trump or anyone else.
Don't whisper we were robbed just cos Miss Angola  is a dark beauty.
You got your winning Singaporean copied surefire formula wrong.Like totally.
They want a woman who represents them,not one that you or your momma think best represents your (what you alone think )are your winning alter egos.
She may be stunning but has that very irritating look of great expectations where one feels she thinks everything is going to just fall into her lap.Acting like it were her fifth consecutive prom award night.

No amount of fiesty walking coaching sessions can mold her uberly ugly thighs when she walks.Funny cos it looks alright when she poses for the cameras.

Deb's got a pretty face alright,but she just doesn't have the IT factor.
All too nice yet meek and unconfidently nerdish till it comes off as too fake.

Conclusion :

Long as the same family stills holds on to both franchises,the results will be miserably the same.

Fail year in year out

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Restoran Bee Wei Seafood @ Air Itam

You have got to be kidding me.
This is one of those places that you see packed with diners night after night.Months later still the same scenario.Wow,must be good eh?No.
I found the food to be rather mediocre,like the standard of certain plain places in the Jelutong district.
Really nothing special about their menu.
Parking is chaotic when their customers peak.
The way I see it,Air Itam is the unofficial inner city nowadays,bursting with people looking for basic food just to fill their tummies.
The place is packed because of the above reason.
Now one thing I did kinda like was the soup.But next day I had to change my mind when I started experiencing tremors which indicate that the swine is infused with a deadly cocktail of slimming drugs.
No way,Bee Wei.