Just want to inform all loyal followers of this facebook page that its detractors have finally managed to shut it down.
Yes the truth hurts so much,thus they still don't want you to know.
In the beginning when I theorized that many Penang run blogs and facebook pages were sneakily directed by bloggers with intent to ramp up their revenue on their sites with hyped up figures of massive readership,
facebook pages such as George Town(103,000 plus Likes)
and Penang Lang(67,000 plus Likes) censored me.
Queensbay Mall (50,000 plus Likes)went as far as to block me.
They got my Honest Food Critic (64 Likes) facebook blocked a total of two times before this latest attempt to silence me.
Therefore please know that I didn't delete the page or whatever.
Many things that I have divulged to you,must be so spot on,so right on the nail,that even though my Penang Where Not To Eat facebook page shows just 293 Likes at last count,some have considered my writings such a threat that they just want to shut my little tiny voice the hell up.
I won't...... because I really do believe that others need to know if I have been conned or a certain restaurant is hype or a food reviewer is lying.
Thanks to all 293 of you and all the silent ones reading on the wings.
Your support as well as those who are against my ramblings, has driven me to start this revenue free public service blog of which I have not been earning a cent from all this while.
And I won't cow down to these bullies.
Yes the truth hurts so much,thus they still don't want you to know.
In the beginning when I theorized that many Penang run blogs and facebook pages were sneakily directed by bloggers with intent to ramp up their revenue on their sites with hyped up figures of massive readership,
facebook pages such as George Town(103,000 plus Likes)
and Penang Lang(67,000 plus Likes) censored me.
Queensbay Mall (50,000 plus Likes)went as far as to block me.
They got my Honest Food Critic (64 Likes) facebook blocked a total of two times before this latest attempt to silence me.
Therefore please know that I didn't delete the page or whatever.
Many things that I have divulged to you,must be so spot on,so right on the nail,that even though my Penang Where Not To Eat facebook page shows just 293 Likes at last count,some have considered my writings such a threat that they just want to shut my little tiny voice the hell up.
I won't...... because I really do believe that others need to know if I have been conned or a certain restaurant is hype or a food reviewer is lying.
Thanks to all 293 of you and all the silent ones reading on the wings.
Your support as well as those who are against my ramblings, has driven me to start this revenue free public service blog of which I have not been earning a cent from all this while.
And I won't cow down to these bullies.