Saturday, October 23, 2010

Wong Chau Jun @ Rangoon Road (morning to lunch)

Update :
It looks like World War 3 has started between the two sisters.Both look as if they are ever ready to push their respective caps down the others throat or smash the others face with their apron.
The nice fat one is now super nasty,always annoyed,bristling and frowning,never in a good mood.
The andartu has to watch her back.
What can you as a customer do?Just sit back and watch two tomboyish sisters silently glare at each other and act like the other just threw a durian onto their foot.
This place is one of the few places in Penang (surprise!) which serves unfried fish without the fishy smell associated with less fresh sea produce(believe me there are plenty of establishments that dare to serve this here).The wise old man of the shop sits by his cashier table trying to keep the feng shui balance while his rippling Thor sized son scuttles in and out of the shop like a bee churning out soya bean by products and other muscle needed chores so that his father can rest easy.
No one else is going to tell you what I am about to tell you right now.I don't know why.
The old man has a taller bespectacled (what the malays call andartu type)slightly hunched daughter (another is shorter and fatter but much much nicer) that will not reveal if certain dishes have run out because she assumes that you would be desperate enough to take it as it is.No questions asked.
I hope the old man reads this one day.
Many customers have been too polite to tell her off.She is obviously not happy working there and hates the customers she has to take orders from since most times she's the trusted staff designated with this unglamorous responsibility.Even the old lady workers are not as stuck up and as judgemental as her.
I get the feeling since she looks so plain and frumpy,that women who take some pains to dress up or groom themselves femininely (unlike her) really get on her gall.And so for reasons best known to her,(maybe she is frustrated at having to clear tables too),she piles used cups and bowls together in such a way that the straw or spoon would flick out and bless the customers around her.Oh believe me,she knows what she just did.It's just her way of entertaining herself.Staining your silk dress makes her smile.
Many a time I have seen customers young and old who do not want to offend her,but have a great deal of respect for the old man,so dissapointed that their dishes did not come out as per their order,cautiously proceed to ask her(as if they were entering a porcupine's den) if the one that they wanted was available(they would readily order and pay extra for another).
Without batting an eyelid she would proceed to tell them as a matter of fact that she told them it was sold out already,as if she derives great satisfaction in hammering the message in to them.This is not true,because at the time that you place your order,she would jot it down without any hint of the dish being sold out.
How to know if she is going to screw up your order?When she starts asking nonsensical questions like "would you like some prawns to go with it?" if you specified that you wanted a certain ingredient that does not have anything to do with prawns.Then she would repeat the order in another way and if you are naive enough like us two lady diners (actually suckers cum victims),to believe that she understood what we wanted,you are dead wrong.When you question her,she will tell you that she told you earlier when she actually didn't.
She is inconsiderate unlike the old man,his son,his other daughter and workers.
Maybe it's the old man's way of punishing her (probably she is as lan see at home)but she takes it out on customers without him knowing it.If he is not careful,she will spell doom for all the hardwork he has poured into making this business of his a success.
I think the only way to get the message through to her is to be rude and curt.Make her repeat your order as if she were an imbecile.If she still insists on a screw up,just get up,voice your displeasure to the old man about her attitude,reject the dish,walk away without paying and let him settle it with her.