Sunday, December 12, 2010

Chin's Stylish Cuisine @ QEII, Weld Quay

I'll be brief.Not worth too much mention unless you wanna impress someone..........badly.
First they want to be luxurious then they want to be affordable.Seems like they're trying to get both segments of diners just in case one of them gives up.The rich in Penang mostly kiamsap and would prefer people to belanja them so they already did their research and know it's the middle class that they could probably(I said could and probably too) count on to keep the business going.
So they rattle off one after another corporate account,ada nama,ada gaya, that turn up and state that they are fully booked bla bla bla(cos you got no space mah).
And they expect the middle class to go like "Waaaah!So waaahnderfool !" or the kiamsap rich to excitedly shriek "Let's go try it.Quick call the water fish that's been bugging us to buy something like insurance,investments etc etc or our accountant or our staff and get them to belanja us"
Luxury is luxury,you don't compromise on it and make luxury affordable.That's plain ridiculous.It's like living in an attap house with versace fittings or having a butler tail you around with a silver platter as you take a stroll at the Esplanade.

Now if you look beyond the grandeur,and use common sense deduction you will find that
1. They are from London(chinese food in London bechiak wan)
2. They were there in 1987(so why come here ah?)
3. Their overseas awards got no year attached
4. Penang got no Starhill for the royalty,rich and famous.This is like Starhill in a shoebox,a place where hoipois hope to entertain without middle class scumbag diners in their midst